Friday, February 7, 2014

R U A "Y C L"?

Calling all 16-18 year old campers.  You are part of the advanced group of campers we refer to as a YCL (Youth Camp Leader).  YCL's get to train other campers, assist in their certification, stay in the main lodge with showers ;), and come up with all the fun activities that make camp so memorable.  To begin getting ready for this years camp festivities, we will be having our first meeting in exactly one month.

BEFORE YOU COME...please go to this website and take the personality test.  At the end you will be given a personality type.  Remember this four letter type OR go to this website to find out what animal you correspond with.  At the meeting we will be getting to know each other with the results of this test.  For even more fun and accuracy, have your parents take it for you to see if it differs from your results.  Which animal do you relate to the most?